With the last festive dance of the year now completed, the focus shifts to Christmas and next year.
The Halloween dance was such a success this year that planning has already begun for the next one in 2024.
More of the same will be planned, the food was an obvious success as well as the Sangria. Hard to tell if alcoholic or non-alcoholic was the popular drink as they both lasted only minutes on the bar.
Photos are all in and will be released very soon.
Some promo footage was also captured and will be used for advertising the next year's event.
With 2023 being bigger than the previous ones it is growing every year.
With Christmas just around the corner the dance classes will be brought to a one early December. The next event is Rivenites on the 18th of this month. We will roll in some swing to this one as well, try to include more people to get a more relaxed environment.
There are currently no plans for a Christmas dance. If you feel we should please let us know and we will do our best as requested in time.
Cheers and see you all soon.
Stu C
Fiesta Loca Central Queensland.
